Turning Back HIV in India: A Case Study in Data Use
Eliminating Polio in India: A Case Study in Data Use
This is their time. *But, please do not formalise the ASHA cadre!*
The Perfect Interview Starts with the Right Question...
Delhi’s “Mohalla clinic” model replicated in Bengaluru
Find the logic of the thing, then the reality of it
We’ve All Just Had A Crash Course on Pandemics
The Brave New World of Key Informant Interviews on Zoom
10 tips for working from home amid COVID-19
How to Be a Consultant
The Market and the Social Sector
Respectful Care and Respectful Workplaces
A Big Fat Indian Success Story: The Midday Meal Scheme
If Hospitals No Longer Make Sense, India is Ahead of the Game
Can India Solve America’s Health Care Crisis? (For Real!)
Why you Should Never Call “the Expert”
We are Immune to Numbers: The Importance of Story Telling
From Sri Lanka with Love: Lessons in Primary Care for Remote Rural Australia
Parks for Healthier Communities
How being a working mum makes me a better professional (and a better mum)